Всего постов: 2
Бород: 3
Рейтинг: +48|3|-9 = +83%
I once was such a strange toy,
I didn't have a name.
So no one in the toy store
Would ever talk to me.
But now I'm Cheburoggie,
And every little doggy
On meeting me...
Gives his paw to me!
At first I wasn't lucky -
It didn't make me happy,
That when it was my birthday,
Nobody came to me.
But now I'm friends with
Genny He is not ordinary,
But only...
The best...
Crocodile in the world!
I once was such a strange toy,
I didn't have a name.
So no one in the toy store
Would ever talk to me.
But now I'm Cheburoggie,
And every little doggy
On meeting me...
Gives his paw to me!
At first I wasn't lucky -
It didn't make me happy,
That when it was my birthday,
Nobody came to me.
But now I'm friends with
Genny He is not ordinary,
But only...
The best...
Crocodile in the world!
2008-11-20 10:47:53
An infinite number of mathematicians walk into a bar. The first one orders a beer. The second orders half a beer. The third orders a quarter of a beer. The bartender says "You're all idiots", and pours two beers.