2007-11-28 12:40:15 #
наконец то, куда платить?
2007-11-28 13:10:36
да пошли вы все, у меня будет свой лунный модуль с блек-джеком и шлюхами.
слава робатам!!!
убить всех человеков!!!
где же ты маааааааййййййййааааяСулико разрушительница-мотор......
она придет, она придет, она придет, она придет из-за холма ааааааааууууууууууааааааааааа..........
слава робатам!!!
убить всех человеков!!!
где же ты маааааааййййййййаааая
она придет, она придет, она придет, она придет из-за холма ааааааааууууууууууааааааааааа..........
2007-11-28 13:39:07
I don't tell you how to tell me what to do, so don't tell me how to do what you tell me to do!
Куда платить деньги?
Куда платить деньги?
2007-11-28 13:51:05
вчера зазырил полнометражную футураму
качество отличное, перевод тоже ничего!
качал отседа http://torreador.ru/forum/showthread.php?t=1093
качество отличное, перевод тоже ничего!
качал отседа http://torreador.ru/forum/showthread.php?t=1093
2007-11-28 14:57:15
She'll be coming round the mounting when she comes
She'll be coming round the mounting when she comes
She'll be coming round the mounting
She'll be coming round the mounting
She'll be coming round the mounting when she comes
When She comes
She'll be riding six white horses when she comes
She'll be riding six white horses when she comes
She'll be riding six white horses
She'll be riding six white horses
She'll be riding six white horses when she comes
Yes I'll shoot her with my ray gun when she comes
Yes I'll shoot her with my ray gun when she comes
Oh, I'll shoot her with my ray gun
Yes, I'll shoot her with my ray gun
Oh, I'll shoot her with my ray gun when she comes
When she comes
I'll be blasting all the humans in the world
I'll be blasting all the humans in the world
I'll be blasting all the humans
I'll be blasting all the humans
I'll be blasting all the humans in the world
In the world...
One MORE time!
She'll be coming round the mounting when she comes
She'll be coming round the mounting
She'll be coming round the mounting
She'll be coming round the mounting when she comes
When She comes
She'll be riding six white horses when she comes
She'll be riding six white horses when she comes
She'll be riding six white horses
She'll be riding six white horses
She'll be riding six white horses when she comes
Yes I'll shoot her with my ray gun when she comes
Yes I'll shoot her with my ray gun when she comes
Oh, I'll shoot her with my ray gun
Yes, I'll shoot her with my ray gun
Oh, I'll shoot her with my ray gun when she comes
When she comes
I'll be blasting all the humans in the world
I'll be blasting all the humans in the world
I'll be blasting all the humans
I'll be blasting all the humans
I'll be blasting all the humans in the world
In the world...
One MORE time!