2014-07-18 11:09:44 #
2014-07-18 11:11:06
Study of the economic behavior of individual units of an economy (such as a person, household, firm, or industry) and not of the aggregate economy (which is the domain of macroeconomics). Microeconomics is primarily concerned with the factors that affect individual economic choices, the effect of changes in these factors on the individual decision makers, how their choices are coordinated by markets, and how prices and demand are determined in individual markets. The main subjects covered under microeconomics include theory of demand, theory of the firm, and demand for labor and other factors of production.
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Usage Example
Consumer behavior falls under the realm of microeconomics and influences how prices and supplies are determined in individual markets.
Learn more about this term
Usage Example
Consumer behavior falls under the realm of microeconomics and influences how prices and supplies are determined in individual markets.
2014-07-19 22:09:20
My Prussian-blue electric clock's
alarm bell rings, it will not stop
and I can see no end in sight
and search in vain by candlelight
for some long road that goes nowhere
for some signpost that is not there
And even my befuddled brain
is shining brightly, quite insane
The chandelier is in full swing
as gifts for me the three kings bring
of myrrh and frankincense, I'm told,
and fat old Buddhas carved in gold
And though it seems they smile with glee
I know in truth they envy me
and watch as my befuddled brain
shines on brightly quite insane
Above all else confusion reigns
And though I ask no-one explains
My eunuch friend has been and gone
He said that I must soldier on
And though the Ferris wheel spins round
my tongue it seems has run aground
and croaks as my befuddled brain
shines on brightly, quite insane
Ящитаю прокл харум охуенен
alarm bell rings, it will not stop
and I can see no end in sight
and search in vain by candlelight
for some long road that goes nowhere
for some signpost that is not there
And even my befuddled brain
is shining brightly, quite insane
The chandelier is in full swing
as gifts for me the three kings bring
of myrrh and frankincense, I'm told,
and fat old Buddhas carved in gold
And though it seems they smile with glee
I know in truth they envy me
and watch as my befuddled brain
shines on brightly quite insane
Above all else confusion reigns
And though I ask no-one explains
My eunuch friend has been and gone
He said that I must soldier on
And though the Ferris wheel spins round
my tongue it seems has run aground
and croaks as my befuddled brain
shines on brightly, quite insane
Ящитаю прокл харум охуенен
2014-07-21 19:58:58
а я-то, прости Господи, думаю што пощу туд чопапало.. Надо вопщем на корове нопесадь вернизь олеша я все прощу а ищо клокс-кокс неплохая рифма и часы такие можна придумать штобэ вместо хуеф стрелке тоесть наоборот тогда можно шутидь про полшестого и.. пойду пожалуй спать.