слабонервным не смотреть =)
2004-02-19 11:19:10 #
2004-02-19 15:08:07
1. опустил палец на кнопку
2. посмотрел на экран
3. удивился
4. поднял палец с кнопки
5. ужаснулся
6. посмотрел на клавиатуру
7. goto #1
2. посмотрел на экран
3. удивился
4. поднял палец с кнопки
5. ужаснулся
6. посмотрел на клавиатуру
7. goto #1
2004-02-19 17:50:13
При чем здесь глисты... это ж пиздец какой-то... блядь... блевать охота. Круче унитаза.
2004-02-19 19:19:24
Ога. И перед тем как глаз почесать. И перед тем как... бля... я теперь всем злопыхателям буду глаза тереть!
2013-02-13 22:16:55
This is true but not for the squeamish among us........
This poor guy was minding his own business & he felt an eye irritation. Thinking that it was just regular dust, he started to rub his eye, in an effort to remove the dust. Then his eyes got really red, so he bought some eye drops from the pharmacy.
A few days passed and his eyes were still red and seemed a little swollen. Again he dismissed it as dust & continued rubbing, hoping it would go away. As the days went by, the swelling of his eye got worse & the redness increased until he decided to go and see a doctor for a check up.
The doctor immediately wanted an operation, being afraid of a tumor growth or cyst. During the operation, what was thought to be a growth or cyst, actually turned out to be a live worm. What was thought initially to be just mere dust actually was an insect's egg.
These are the actual pictures...............

This poor guy was minding his own business & he felt an eye irritation. Thinking that it was just regular dust, he started to rub his eye, in an effort to remove the dust. Then his eyes got really red, so he bought some eye drops from the pharmacy.
A few days passed and his eyes were still red and seemed a little swollen. Again he dismissed it as dust & continued rubbing, hoping it would go away. As the days went by, the swelling of his eye got worse & the redness increased until he decided to go and see a doctor for a check up.
The doctor immediately wanted an operation, being afraid of a tumor growth or cyst. During the operation, what was thought to be a growth or cyst, actually turned out to be a live worm. What was thought initially to be just mere dust actually was an insect's egg.
These are the actual pictures...............